The Designers — Football
Distress Dawn

Dawn is the legendary designer for rock t-shirts website DJTees established in 2002, a company she set up. Prior to that she ran her own fashion design business specializing in knitwear and men's tailoring. A restless creative soul, she is also renowned as an abstract impressionist artist and a jewellery designer with clients from Australia to California via Edinburgh. She not only created most of the designs for Tshirts365 she also wrote the website. Some people are just too clever, huh. Find Dawn's Art here >
Art Ghost

Art Ghost loves football and art, he also prefers to wear clothes. TShirts365 was the perfect fit. He chooses to remain in the shadows and anonymous. Not because he wants to be the Banksy of Football tee shirts or to create a Jim Morrison style mystique, more because he’s seen Twitter. As an artist, he works digitally, but much preferred the analogue days of ink, tape, textures oil and mess. Art Ghost has created art and video for football clubs, breweries, authors and actresses. He enjoys the freedom to create and any opportunity to be gently subversive. Please be kind @artdeathcode
Steve Welsh Artist

Steve is a hugely well-respected graphic artist. Prior to the 2014 World Cup he was commissioned by the BBC to create artwork of the England players for their coverage of the event. Each piece was hand signed by the players themselves during their final training camp and captured as part of the regular Match of the Day show as well as the MOTD Kickabout. During the England v Italy game his work was seen by over 15 million people in the UK alone. He has worked with Adidas, Puma, BT, BBC Match of the Day, BBC2 Steph Houhgton Documentary, Four Four Two. You...